New Digital Jammers Released for Neutralizing Civilian Drones and Mobile Communications

2023-04-12 06:11:17 By : Ms. Jay Wong
article about the launch of KEAS’ digital jammers for neutralizing civilian drones and mobile communications.

KEAS, a French company specializing in detecting and jamming mobile communication signals, has recently launched its digital jammers for neutralizing civilian drones and mobile communications. This latest addition to KEAS’ product line aims to provide a more comprehensive solution to security threats, particularly those associated with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and mobile communication equipment.
KEAS launches its digital jammers for neutralizing civilian drones and mobile communications - EDR Magazine

With the rise of UAVs in recent years, there has been a growing concern over their potential use for malicious purposes, such as espionage, smuggling, or terrorism. KEAS’ digital jammers can help prevent such incidents by detecting and jamming the communication signals of UAVs, effectively neutralizing their control and preventing them from causing any harm.

In addition, KEAS’ digital jammers can also be used to block mobile communications, preventing the unauthorized use of such devices in certain areas, such as prisons or military bases, where such devices can pose a security threat. The devices are designed to be highly effective and customizable, allowing users to choose which frequency bands they want to jam and at what power level.

According to KEAS, their digital jammers are highly advanced and use state-of-the-art technology to ensure maximum effectiveness. They are based on software-defined radio (SDR) technology, which allows for greater flexibility and adaptability compared to traditional hardware-based jammers. This means that the jammers can be easily upgraded or modified as needed to keep up with the latest threats and technologies.

KEAS’ digital jammers are also designed to be highly portable and easy to use, making them ideal for use in a wide range of settings. They can be easily transported and set up wherever they are needed, and can be operated remotely using a computer or mobile device. This makes them highly versatile and effective for a wide range of security applications.

According to KEAS, their digital jammers have already been deployed in a variety of settings, including military bases, correctional facilities, and other high-security locations. They have been highly effective in preventing unauthorized UAV flights and unauthorized mobile device use, and have helped to increase overall security and safety.

Overall, the launch of KEAS’ digital jammers for neutralizing civilian drones and mobile communications represents a major advancement in security technology. By providing a highly effective and customizable solution to security threats associated with UAVs and mobile communication equipment, these jammers have the potential to significantly improve public safety and security in a wide range of settings.